The DMX effect is used to output a value between 0-255 to the model. Channel 1 in the DMX effect corresponds to the first channel of the model and up to 18 channels can be controlled.

Use a Single Line model for RGB nodes. As an example, 5 RGB nodes which will create 15 channels of data.



Channels 1-10

Select the tab to control Channels 1 -10

Channels 11-20

Select the tab to control Channels 11-20

Channels 21-30

Select the tab to control Channels 21-30

Channels 31-40

Select the tab to control Channels 31-40

DMX Value

Select the DMX value (from 0 to 255) for the Channel that has been selected. The channels will be offset from wherever is defined in the model definition. So if the model for a DMX device starts at channel 450 then the channel 3 slot will control channel 452.

Click on the Value Curves icon to open a list of additional nonlinear effects. Use the Ramp effect to vary the output anywhere from 0 to 255.

Remap Channels

Remap channels will "move" the DMX from one channel to another. This is used when importing sequences and the source DMX fixture uses different DMX channels.

Save As State

Save the current DMX Values as a State Definition.

For Pan/Tilt head control movement, select the Use Ramps attribute and set it to a timing mark of say 10 seconds long. It will move the head for 10 seconds between the ramp values.

Last updated