The view menu enables you to zoom in or out on the sequencer view, define and use Perspectives and nominate which windows you want to have open.
Selecting this option while on the sequencer tab will zoom in on the details on the sequencer grid. Use this for fine tuning timing marks or effects.
Zooming in can be performed by:
Selecting View/Zoom In from the Menu Bar
Using the + (plus) key on the keyboard
Selecting this option while on the sequencer tab will zoom out of the details on the sequencer grid. Use this for seeing more of the sequence.
Zooming in can be performed by:
Selecting View/Zoom Out from the Menu Bar
Using the - (minus) key on the keyboard
Reset Toolbars
The Reset Toolbar option, when selected, will reset the Toolbars to the default locations the next time xLights is started. A restart of xLights is required for it to take effect.
AC Lights Toolbar
The AC Lights Toolbar allows you to add On, Off, Shimmer, Twinkle, and Ramp effect in bulk, similar to LOR.
Select an Effect, using the On effect in this example, then click and drag on the desired rows to populated.
The Effects will be places in the selected area.
Show AC Ramps
Show Start and End Intensity for effects, similar to LOR.
Perspectives saves the location and size of the "windows" you use.
Particularly for dual monitor setups, it lets you move and size the Preview and Color windows away, giving you a bigger program area. Going to View / Perspectives / Save Current will store your settings to the currently selected perspective.
You can have multiple perspective saved and easily recall them by selecting the perspective desired from the Perspectives window.
PerspectivesLast updated