The Lightning effect generates a vertical lightning bolt type of effect. One or multiple colors can be used for the effect. White is always selected for the outer edge of the lightning bolt.
Number of Segments
Defines the number of zigzag segments to be used in the effect.
Can be adjusted via the Value Curves options.
Width of Bolt
Controls the width of the zig zag. A value of 1 will form a straight vertical line.
Can be adjusted via the Value Curves options.
Forked Lightning (Y,N)
Controls whether the effect generates a forked effect.
Top Location (x;y)
Defines the coordinates of the top end of the lightning bolt.
Can be adjusted via the Value Curves options.
X Movement
Controls the movement of the lightning effect horizontally across the effect. Can be made to be stationary or move in either direction.
Can be adjusted via the Value Curves options.
Up or Down for the Lightning Bolt