The On effect turns every pixel on for a given model/group
Prerequisite information: Only one color may be used with the ON effect. If multiple colors are chosen, only the first color selected will be used.
Start Intensity
Start Intensity of On Effect.
End Intensity
End Intensity of On Effect.
Transparency of the On Effect.
Can be adjusted via the Value Curves options.
Cycle Count
Number of times the start/end cycles repeats per effect duration.
If set to 1, then the start/end cycle will execute once.
If set to 2, then the start/end cycle will execute twice.
"Strobe" the effect.
A start intensity of 0% and ending of 100% will result in a ramp up, opposed to an ON with hard edges.
Click on the "Shimmer" to get a shimmer effect.
The Off effect simply turns every pixel off on the model/group that it is placed on.
This effect can be used in between other effects, to create a situation of a few seconds of “all lights off”, followed by effects coming on suddenly.
It can also be used on layers to adjust when an effect on another layer come on and goes off.
Prerequisite information: Colors & timing speed are ignored.
Make the Off Effect Transparent, Use this with the Canvas Mode.
You can use fade in/out with off.
In some cases, when a controller does not turn off lights at the end of a sequence, place an off effect against an ‘All model’ group to force the lights off.
Used Canvas mode to offset channel values. Can be used to offset DMX channel values.
Adjust By Value
Adjust By Percentage
Set Minimum
Set Maximum
Set Range
Shift With Wrap By Value
Shift With Wrap By Percentage
Prevent Range
The Color Wash effect creates a wash effect of the selected color or colors across the model. Can be effective if multiple colors are selected and the effect is used as a background effect.
One or multiple colors can be used for the effect. If multiple colors are selected, then the ColorWash will use the selected colors repeating the colors depending on the ‘count’ setting.
Number of times the colors selected will be repeated for the duration of the effect.
Each set of colors repeats as many times as the count value has been set to.
Can be adjusted via the Value Curves options.
Vertical Fade
Controls whether the wash effect should fade vertically.
Horizontal Fade
Controls whether the wash effect should fade horizontally.
Applies a shimmer effect to the Color Wash effect if selected.
Circular Palette
When selected, this smoothes the color transitions when the effect repeats per the count setting. If not selected there will be a hard transition between the last color selected and the first color selected.
The Butterfly effect creates seemingly random patterns of color swirling around, based on an initial set of parameters. This is very effective on a number of different types of models.
Rainbow or Palette can be selected. If Palette is selected, then the colors from the Color selection window are used.
Up to 10 different styles can be selected for the effect.
Bkgrd Chunks
Controls whether and how sections of black color are to be used between the colors. Can be adjusted via the Value Curves options
Bkgrd Skip
Used in conjunction with the background chunks to skip the black background. Can be adjusted via the Value Curves options.
Controls the speed with which the effects change. Can be adjusted via the Value Curves options
Controls whether the effect moves outwards or reverses direction.
Butterfly style #2 generates radial patterns that look great on round models such as snowflakes, stars, globes, etc.
The effect can be repeated on the same model with different colors, directions or timings, using layers and offsetting the position on the model.
The Bars effect creates straight edged multiple color bars that move across a model. The edges may be hard, highlighted or 3D (soft).
Palette Rep
Number of times the color palette repeats on a model. All the colors selected will repeat as many times as this value is defined.
Therefore , if 2 colors are selected and this value is 3, each of the 2 colors will come on 3 times , resulting in 6 changes of colors.
This whole setting is multiplied by the Cycles value.
Can be adjusted via the Value Curves options.
Number of cycles for the duration.
If set to 1, then the colors selected and palette rep combination will execute once.
If set to 2 and there are 3 colors and the palette rep is set to 4 , then there will be 24 changes of color (2 cycles * (3 colors * 4 reps) ) in the selected duration.
Can be adjusted via the Value Curves options.
Center Point
Enables you to control where the center point is for expand and compress (both vertical and horizontal).
Direction UP/DOWN
Bars move UP or DOWN a model.
Direction Expand
Bars start at the center and move outward towards the top and bottom.
Direction Compress
Bars start at the top and bottom edges of a model and move to the center.
Direction Left/Right
Bars start at the left/right edges of the model and move to the other side.
Direction H Expand
Bars start at the horizontal middle of the model and expand towards the left and right edges.
Direction H Compress
Bars start at the left/right edges of the model and move in towards the horizontal center of the model.
Direction Alternate
Bars are not animated like the other direction options. The colors for each bar change to the next color selected in the palette.
A single row of white is set at the leading edge of each color.
The trailing edge of each color fades to black.
When selected, causes the different colors to merge into each other as a gradient rather than as a sharp change.
Layering a On effect with a start intensity of 0% and ending of 100% will result in a ramp up, as opposed to an On effect with hard edges. Be sure to set the blending option of the On effect to “layer 1 is mask”. Make sure the cycle count is set to 1, and you have a color selected (doesn't matter which color since it's a mask).
The Candle effect creates flickering effect that simulates a candle. The Color Palette is not used with this effect, it is always a orange to redish color.
The Faces effect is used by xLights to generate singing and talking face effects. It is used and placed on the sequencer as part of the Papagayo import functionality, if the target in xLights is a Coro face.
It is also used within xLights functionality to generate Singing Faces. The use of this effect is described in the section describing Singing Faces.
The color pallet is used to determine the color of the signing face. If force custom colors is enabled in the model's face definition, the custom colors takes precedence and the color pallet will not change the effects color.
The Circles effect creates solid sphere like objects that move seemingly in random fashion on a model.
Used most effectively on models such as a mega tree or a matrix. One or multiple colors can be used for the effect. If multiple colors are selected, than the circles will be made up of the selected colors.
Place the effect to initially span at least a few seconds. After placing the effect on the model, adjust the number of circles and the speed down until the circles can be seen moving around and then adjust upwards as required.
Place the Circles effect on a star and select the Radial option to obtain a nice looking effect.
The Curtain effect creates a color transition of one or more colors across the face of a model depicting a curtain opening or closing based on the options selected.
Used most effectively on models such as a mega tree, a matrix, whole house or grouped arches. Can also be used on singular items such as each arch.
You can use the curtain effect layered with any other effect as a mask to reveal the other effect.
Flame Agility
Changes how "fast" the flame flickers.
Wind Baseline
Sets the stating point from where the color change happens.
Wind Variability
Sets the range of the flickering.
Wind Calmness
Sets the acceleration of there flickering.
Per Node
If True flickering will be independent per each node in the model
Sets Face to specific mouth position.
Timing Track
Sets Timing Track to use for Lyrics/Phonemes
Face Definition
Sets Face Definition to use. These are setup in the model preference under the 'Faces' option.
Sets if the Eyes are 'Open', 'Close', 'Automatic', or '(off)'. 'Automatic' blinks the eye based on frequency. '(off)' disables the eye.
Eye Blink Frequency
Set the speed of Automatic Eye Blinking
Show Outline
Show outline if defined in the Face Definition.
Suppress Shimmer
Skip '-shimmer' tags in Timing Tracks lyrics.
Use State as outline
Use a State Definition for 'coloring' the Outline
Suppress when not singing
If set, the Face will disappear if not lyrics are present, in the timing track.
Lead In/Out Frames
Number of frames the face will appear before the lyrics start/end, Only available if 'Suppress when not singing' is enabled.
Fade during lead in/out
Fade the face in and out during the Lead in/out frames, Only available if 'Suppress when not singing' is enabled.
Transparent Black
Sets the black pixels transparent to show effects on lower layers.
1st Pallet Color
Mouth Nodes
2nd Pallet Color
Eyes Open/Close Nodes
3rd Pallet Color
Outline Nodes
4th Pallet Color
Outline2 Nodes
5th Pallet Color
Eyes Open2/Close2 Nodes
6th Pallet Color
Eyes Open3/Close3 Nodes
Number of Circles
Number of circles that displays on a model.
Can be adjusted via the Value Curves options.
The size of each circle of the effect.
Can be adjusted via the Value Curves options.
The speed at which the circles move on the effect.
Can be adjusted via the Value Curves options.
The effect creates a noticeable bounce up and down of the circles.
The circles stretch outwards and back radially.
The circle edges blend into each other. Increase the number of circles for this value to be effective.
Radial 3D
The circles stretch outwards and back radially.
Each circle displays an outline rather than being solid in color.
Linear Fade
Causes each circle to blur and have its edges fade to black.
Curtain edge
Denotes how the curtain edge will come together (i.e. close) or open – depending on the ‘Effect’ setting value.
Center – Two curtains will move from the outside to the inside (center) of the model or from the inside (center) to the outside of the model.
Bottom – The curtain sweep will be from the top, closing or opening out towards the bottom.
Denotes whether the curtain should open, close, open then close or close then open. Used in conjunction with the curtain edge direction.
Swag Width
Defines the curve of the curtain effect. A value of zero will depict a straight curtain edge. A value of 10 will depict a curved curtain edge with a sweeping drop.
Can be adjusted via the Value Curves options.
Swag Speed
Defines the speed at which the curtains will close or open.
Can be adjusted via the Value Curves options.
If true, the the action will repeat multiple times. If false, it only happens once.
The Fan effect creates spiralling blade like objects that move around the model either clockwise or counterclockwise. Used most effectively on models such as a mega tree or a matrix.
One or many colors can be used for the effect. If multiple colors are selected, then the blades of the fan will be made up of the selected colors.
Position: Center X,Y
Defines the x and y coordinates of the center (i.e. focus) point of the fan effect.
Position: Radius 1
Defines the lower radius of the fan.
Position: Angle
Defines the angle of each arm of the fan.
Position: Radius 2
Defines the upper radius of the fan.
Position: Revs
Defines the number of 360 degree rotations per timing mark the effect is in.
Blades: # Blades
Defines how many blades the fan effect will use per color selected.
Blades: Width
% of area that the width of each blade will take on the effect.
Blades: Angle
Angle of each blade from center.
Blades: # Elements
How many segments each blade is divided into - default is 1.
Options: Duration
Controls the swell i.e. the amount of time that the fan swells out.
Options: Acceleration
Controls how quickly the fan swells out and then back in.
Options: Reverse
Reverses the direction of the rotation of the fan effect.
Options: Blend Edges
Each edge blends to black. Turning it off converts the fan effect to a full circle at the end of each swell.
Playing with the radius values i.e. making radius 2 less than radius 1 can provide some interesting effects.
You can create four Fan effects that each take up about one quadrant of your model (matrix/house) and have them all doing different thing with their arms blending at the edges. The four positions would be x25:y25, x25:y75, x75:y75, x75:y25.
The Garlands effect creates an effect that simulates a circle of rings that drop on each other (depending on the direction of the effect).
One or multiple colors can be used for the effect. If multiple colors are selected, than the spheres will be made up of the selected different colors.
The Glediator effect enables the import and use of an effect that has been created using the Glediator software into xLights. Glediator is a 3rd party application that can generate an unlimited number of effects. Once an effect has been created, it must be saved as a .GLED file.
Place the Glediator effect in on timing cells that you wish to have the effect on a model. Click on the filename prompt and browse and select the gladiator file.
You must configure Glediator to the X,Y dimensions of your model you wish to add effects to.
You may also use Jinx! to create effects. It will create a ‘.out’ file which can be used with this effect. There is no need to rename the saved output file to .gled to use with the Glediator effect. The Glediator effect now supports .GLED and .OUT files.
The Fill effect starts from the left, right, bottom or top edge (position) and does a complete fill to the position value.
The position has a Value Curve so you can make it do precise dynamic positioning during the duration of the effect. Select multiple colors to fade (equally) between those colors for the duration of the effect.