The Video effect enables a video media file to be selected and directly played as a video clip sequence. A video file that will be used for the effect. Supported file types are *.mp4, *.mpg, *.avi, *.mov, *.flv, *.mkv and *.asf files.
Video Location
Identifies the name and location of the video file to be played.
Start Time
Defines the point in the video at which the effect should start playing. The default is to start from the beginning.
Length of the video file.
Duration Treatment
"Normal" will play the video once for the duration specified. If the length of the video is less than the duration, the effect will appear blue until the end duration.
"Normal No Blue" will play the video once for the duration specified. If the length of the video is less than the duration, the effect will appear blank until the end duration.
"Loop" will loop to the beginning and play the video again if it ends before the duration of the effect.
"Slow/Accelerate" will adjust the video speed to fit the duration.
"Manual" allows you to manually set the video length with the duration text box.
"Manual and Loop" allows you to manually set the video length with the duration text box and then will loop the video.
Speed up the video speed.
Maintain Aspect Ration
If selected , then the video aspect ratio (16:9 or 4:3) will be used, else the effect will attempt to change the aspect ratio to better match the model dimensions.
Use sequence audio file as video file and synchronize
If using a video file as the sequence audio track, this options will use this file to display the video.
Trim the size of the video's resolution.
Transparent Black
Allow black pixels to be transparent. Slider adjust at what level "black" becomes transparent.
If you move the image that you have used for the video effect to a different location or delete it, when you next run the sequencer, if the image is not found, an error message will not be displayed, but the effect will render a blank image. The only time this won’t happen is if only the drive letter has changed, and the rest of the path is the same.
If the Video Effect is appearing as a "Red" video, the video effect cannot find the video file.