The Spirals effect provides different representations of two and three dimensional spirals and helix. One or multiple colors can be used for the effect. However, this effect looks best with at least two colors selected.
Palette Red
Defines the number of times (between one and five) that the selected colors are repeated during the duration of the effect. Can be adjusted via the Value Curves options.
Spiral Wraps
Controls the vertical orientation of the spiral. A value of zero is used for vertical lines and the spirals can be adjusted to lean towards either direction. Can be adjusted via the Value Curves options.
Controls the thickness of the strands of the spiral. Can be adjusted via the Value Curves options.
Controls both the speed and direction that the spirals will move. Can be adjusted via the Value Curves options.
If set, then all the colors selected are blended together in each strand of the spiral. If not set, then each strand uses a different color.
If checked, will provide a 3D type of effects.
The width of each spiral will grow slightly per cycle as it spins.
The width of each spiral will shrink slightly per cycle as it spins.