The shape effect displays different geometric shapes. They are predefined sharps or System Font can be used.
Object to Draw
Defines what shape to draw. Options: Circle, Square, Triangle, Star, Polygon, Heart, Tree, Candy Cane, Snow Flake, Crucifix, Present, Emoji
Select Emoji/System Font to use.
Shape wall thickness.
Number of shapes drawn at a time.
Start Size
Shape start size.
Random initial shape sizes
Randomize starting shape size.
Speed the shape moves across the buffer.
Direction the shape moves across the buffer. 0 is right movement, 90 is up movement, 180 is left movement, 270 is down movement.
Length of time the shape last for.
Increase/Decrease of the shapes size over time.
X Center
Starting X location of the shapes center.
Y Center
Starting Y location of the shapes center.
Rotation/sides of the shape, If supported.
Rotation of the shape, If supported.
Random Location
Use random start location for the shape.
Random movement
Use random movement for for the shape.
Fade Away
Fade shape over its lifetime.
Hold Color
Hold shape color over its lifetime.
Fire with music
Display shapes based on the music intensity.
Trigger level
Music intensity level to trigger from.
Fire with timing track
Display shapes based on a timing track.
Timing Track
Timing track to trigger shapes from.